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Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Dual camera history from mobile phone perspective

Dual camera might be something new to some and might be just another old technology for others but it is sure making a big splash nowadays. We think its now the best time for us to write about the illustrious history of it since more and more manufacturer are implementing it.

We have looked at what Huawei P9 dual camera is and how it is implemented in the earlier post and now we will look at how others was implementing it before and guess how apple would later with their latest iPhone.

LG Optimus 3D P920 (2011)
Its all started 5 years ago in the year 2011 with LG and HTC releasing phones that can take 3D photo by utilizing 2 camera system on their phone. LG Optimus 3D is the first ever phone with dual camera in the back when 5mp is still consider a good resolution for photo. 2 month later HTC Evo 3D was launch running an almost similar setup. The most talked about on these phones is the capability to take 3D videos that could be played on the phone's 3D capable screen or any 3D capable display such as TV.
HTC EVO 3D (2011)

Since 3D is not accepted mainstream, the unique camera setup didn't made any big headway in sales globally and dual camera capability to capture "depth" was left on the side for a while.

HTC One (M8) (2014)
HTC realized that with the advancement in technology, it might be a good time for them to bring back dual camera setup in 2014 with their HTC one M8. This time the dual lenses system emphasize more on the depth effect or "bokeh" effect as it known in the camera photography world. HTC M8 is the first ever camera that bring it to the masses since it was marketed well and HTC One being the flagship device that year.

HTC One M9 Plus (2015)
A year later, HTC release a higher resolution setup with their HTC One M9 plus but with hardware hit and misses, this phone didn't make any news at all that year.

Honor 6 plus (2015)
Huawei thru Honor devices jump in the dual camera setup in 2015 with Honor 6 plus that could do what HTC One M8 could do on higher resolution. Honor 6 Plus isn't known worldwide because Honor still young (barely a year old) and it wasn't sold globally. Honor 6 Plus might be the one device that manage to take all the earlier phone capability of depth of field photo and made it better with higher quality sensor and resolution.

Huawei P9 (2016)
Fast forward to 2016, Huawei again release their dual camera setup abeit slightly different sensor capability with the critically acclaimed Huawei P9 and that was followed closely with Honor 8. The unique dual sensor on both Huawei P9 and Honor 8 uses two totally different sensor with one would detect color while the other one is Monochrome. This implementation would create not just "Bokeh" but higher contrast photo since the Monochrome sensor help to add light contrast data to already capable RGB sensor.

Apple have been planning their depth camera for a while since Apple have spent around $400 million USD purchasing 2 companies based in Israel (Primesense $360M and LinX $20M) that have technology for depth of field imaging and processing. Primesense purchase on 2013 gave Apple huge depth sensing capability at their disposal since Primesense is the brain in the XBOX Kinect capability of sensing movement and depth real time.

Apple have in the disposal one of the best depth sensing technology available since 2013 but they didn't use it for their iPhone as yet. Depth sensing is a technology that is mainly use in the current driver-less car system because of real time sensing and accuracy.
LinX camera array (dual sensor, trio sensor and Quad sensor)

LinX purchase in the other hand is a direct connection with their mobile future as LinX have capability to do depth camera sensor array with 2 or higher sensor with multiple aperture.

We are very excited to see what Apple would do with their dual camera setup as they may have the best because of the technology and capability that they already have in house. So get ready for tomorrow as we might be seeing another photography marvel on mobile.

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