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Wednesday 19 August 2015

Stage Fright - Google still playing catch-up but some forked Android fare better

Stage fright may be the worst bug that ever appear on any android and after almost a month after the public announcement, google are still unable to patch it properly. This might not be the best advertisement for Google and specially Nexus phone if this is dealt swiftly. Only last week Google and Samsung announce that both of these company would emulate PC to bring monthly security updates for their phone starting august.

Nexus 4 (LMY48I)

The funny thing that came out of this is that we found out Huawei's EMUI 3.0 (Kitkat) on Honor 4X  are better patched even for the latest CVE-3864. This came as a big surprise to us because Stagefright vulnerability are found in almost every phone in the market bar none. To make matter even worst for Google, the EMUI 3.0 was never required any patch as it wasn't having the vulnerability since it was release in early this year.

Honor 4X (without google hangout)

This is the best advertisement that any forked Android need and we don't know for sure if Huawei are aware of this yet because this might be a fluke and the tested Honor 4x removed the preloaded Google Hangout.

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